Meru Soni is a renowned photographer based out of Melbourne, Australia. As a young impressionable child, he grew up watching his father’s love for photography. Meru dedicated countless hours and memories learning the basics of cameras, developing film and understanding the sense of adventure from capturing something new. This passion has stayed very much a part of his upbringing, and represents a large part of who he is today.
From his humble beginnings, Meru’s business now encompasses many aspects, from photo shoots to image editing to mentoring aspiring photographers. To share his passion, Meru started this website as a way to showcase his best work and services on offer. Being highly regarded in the photographic community he has also covered roles such as President, Workshop leader and Lecturer for photography clubs.
This journey has only been possible due to the support of his friends and family, for which he is very grateful. Thank you for supporting him and please have a browse around the site. If you have any questions or wish to get in touch, please head over to our Contact Page.